Privacy statement

The official portal for the Dom Tower of Utrecht is operated under the domain and is part of Utrecht Marketing, the organization responsible for processing your personal data. Utrecht Marketing is located in Utrecht, Domplein 9, 3512 JC.

Data collected during registration
When you register to buy tickets or place a booking for group visits or events we will collect personal data such as your name, address, contact and communication information such as telephone number and email address, and, if necessary, payment details.
We will only use your personal data for the purposes of allowing you to access those of our services that require registration and/or payment, or to provide and invoice for services. As such, your personal data will only be requested and processed to the extent required for the purposes of the contract. We will process personal data if necessary to comply to our legal obligations .

CCTV – camera systems
Our security camera’s may register your presence in our museum or shop. We have a legitimate interest for the registration. We have cctv cameras for the safety of our visitors, personnel and buildings. No personal data will be connected to the video images.

Shared information with third parties
Your personal data will only be shared with third parties when:

  • You have given us explicit permission
  • The shared information has no link to you personally or is anonymized
  • We are obliged by law
  • It is required to complete a contract with you
  • There is a justifiable reason.

Our third parties are our booking system supplier and the supplier of our continuous visitor survey. Without your consent your personal data will not be shared with third parties for marketing purposes. We use several software programs. The suppliers have access to personal data. Utrecht Marketing makes sure the data exchange is within the legal framework and we have processor agreements with all third parties. The agreements certify that all organizational and technical measures are made to ensure the safety of your personal data.

Duration of data storage
We will store your personal data no longer as necessary to achieve the respective purpose or for as long as specified in the various storage periods provided for under the applicable legislation. Personal data used for financial or fiscal purposes is stored for 7 years. The cctv footage is stored for 2 weeks and automatically deleted (unless there is a calamity in a certain period. The images may be stored for a longer period of time)

The EU General Data Protection Regulation was introduced on 25 May 2018. If there is no need to store your personal data by Utrecht Marketing you have the right to request the deletion of your personal data. There are some exceptions. For example the personal data we need to provide to the tax authorities.

If you want your personal data removed please send an e-mail to with the subject “remove my personal data from”. Provide us with at least your last name and e-mail which you used to subscribe. To prevent fraud we might ask you to identify yourself. If you request to see your personal data which are connected to a cookie, please send us a copy of this particular cookie. You can find this in your browser settings. We will use this information to find and delete your personal data. All information is sent through a SSL connection.

Other rights you have, bases on the EU General Data Protection Regulation, are the right to see or alter your personal data and the right to object to the use of your personal data.  If you want to exercise your rights please contact us via

In case you have the opinion that we do not comply to the legislation we will help you to find a solution. In case this doesn’t work out you have the right to file a complaint with the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.

This Privacy Statement came into effect on May 25 2018. Utrecht Marketing has the right to change and update this statement.

Questions, requests and complaints
Do you have a question, request or complaint about this privacy statement or the processing of personal data by Utrecht Marketing? Please contact us by calling +31 30 2360010 or send an email to

Use of cookies and comparable technical processes
The Domtoren website uses cookies and other comparable technical processes which involve the transmission of an identifier to your device (computer, smartphone, etc.).

These automatically provide us with specific information about your computer and internet connection, including IP address, browser details, operating system. We also store your visit history, meaning the pages on our website you visit, including the order in which you visit them as well as the date and time. During your visit, we will sometimes use JavaScript to collect and evaluate further data, including the time it takes a page to load, whether a page has loaded correctly, the time you spend visiting a detailed page, data on interaction with pages (e.g. scrolling, clicking, mouseovers) and information on when you leave the page.

This process helps us to analyse how our website is used so that we can optimise our content overall, and enables us to personalise content specifically for you, for example by recognising you as a return visitor to our website. The process also ensures that you do not need to re-register every time you use our personalised services.

The legal basis for this is Article 6 Para. 1 f) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

Use of Meta Conversions API and Meta Pixel
On our website, we use the Meta Pixel and Meta Conversions API to optimize and personalize our advertising campaigns on Meta platforms, such as Facebook. These technologies allow us to share data that we have lawfully obtained, such as information about your interactions with our website. This data helps us display more targeted and relevant ads that better match your interests.

We place a high value on your privacy and ensure that your data is treated securely and confidentially. The Meta Conversions API is designed to respect the privacy choices you make within Meta, such as using the Off-Facebook Activity tool. This means that if you choose to limit your off-Facebook activities, these choices also apply to the data shared via the Conversions API.

These technologies allow us to tailor our advertisements more effectively to your preferences while complying with applicable privacy laws and protecting your personal data.

